Time: 08:00-11:00, Friday, April 11, 2025 (EST)
14:00-17:00, Friday, April 11, 2025 (CET)
20:00-23:00, Friday, April 11, 2025 (CST)
Attendance: Online Meeting
Location: Zoom
Radical position adopted by the President of the United States on global warming as being of human origin which he qualifies as a "hoax" is having a major impact, when the 1.5°C threshold seems to have been attained.
This event organised by the Task Force on Carbon Pricing in Europe, International Finance Forum (IFF), and Institute for Governance & Sustainable Development (IGSD), with the contribution of high-level personalities, will peruse the current situation in the fight against climate change and start to examine the various tracks to be followed in order to keep momentum.
Edmond Alphandéry, Chairman of the Task Force on Carbon Pricing in Europe
ZHU Xian, IFF Executive Vice President and former Vice President of the World Bank
Durwood Zaelke, Founder and President of the Institute for Governance & Sustainable Development (IGSD)
Laurent Fabius, President of Paris COP21 and Former Prime Minister of France
Lord Adair Turner, Chairman of the Energy Transitions Commission
PAN Jiahua, Member of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), Director of the Institute of Eco-civilization Studies and Professor of Economics, Beijing University of Technology
Domenico Siniscalco, Managing Director and Vice Chairman at Morgan Stanley, Former Member of the IPCC, Former Minister of the Economy of Italy
Philippe Varin, Chair of the International Chamber of Commerce
DUAN Maosheng, Professor and Director of China Carbon Market
Nicolas Piau, Founding Partner & CEO of TiLT Capital, Member of the Siparex Executive Committee
Gilles Möec, AXA Group Chief Economist and AXA IM Head of Research
Franz Nauschnigg, OeNB Direktionsrat - Councel to the Board
William L'Heudé, Deputy Head of Climate Unit at the French Treasury